Thursday, September 20, 2012

Little Miss Czech made it to the West, News

 Jamie's Dr. is going to induce labor on Monday, so I waiting not so patiently for Abby's pending arrival..
 we had to stuff the ruffle around her neck inside her vest because she was trying to eat it..I'll post the pictures they took for the paper of Little Westfest..she's a suppa'staaaa'..

 Grandma dressed as mustard..Olivia seemed to take it in stride but every now and then I'd see her looking at Kathy, like, 'what the hell are you wearing Grandma.?'


  1. Man oh man, all the mustard bottles at Krogers/Minyards have bags over their heads now.

    cute baby though.

  2. Cute little Czech outfit! She is a natural Supermodel!

  3. :) Ms Mustard is looking good too!


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