Friday, February 01, 2013


 I had great intentions of doing a West post...then I got sick and said fuck it..aaaachoo


  1. Sorry you've got a cold -- feel better soon! So many great LOLs and zingers this morning but the one that really got me was the "Never forget / Get over it" one. That's very true, and of lots of other atrocities and injustices too.

  2. I too suffer from ADCD. That's why I have so many fermented grape salads.

  3. I pinched the Taylor Swift one! Hope you feel better soon JS.xx

  4. Sorry you feel icky. Hope you feel much better very soon.

    Love these gems. The one I relate to most: Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder. I've had SO many days like that! Work hard all day long and it looks like nothing's accomplished.

  5. I thought you might like to know that our beloved friend, BBC, now has a "Google Warning Page" - just like mine! - on his "spirits doings" blog. It seems folks took offence of his posting of a photograph of a woman fellating a horse. This violates the Google Terms of Service and is illegal in the State of Washington.

    We, Leslie and I, of course, had nothing to do with it. Just like we will have nothing to do with his eventual ban from Google either.


    Nyuck, the fuck, nyuck!

  6. news ..ever..!!
    I noticed that he hasn't been here leaving his venom filled comments lately. But as long as people allow him to comment on their posts I won't go there..if I leave a comment he will always say something horrible and the men seem to think he's I love their blogs but if they don't have the balls to call him on his ugliness, I will stay guys did good.

  7. Hope you feel better...miss you on my blog...but I even let Aquarians comment...

    Whiskey and warm water with a little sugar helps...and if the first one doesn't make you feel better - have another, and another...
    the Ol'Buzzard


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to