Monday, February 04, 2013

super Monday

 I took the Ravens and 4...hahahahahahah


  1. Colbert made me laugh out loud. Nora Ephron made me sigh... Christ, as if women aren't trouble already!

  2. The ones about the media, and particularly MTV, are right on!

  3. Hey, that vasectomy one makes a good point! And I think West, Texas would be the perfect place to film a reality TV show -- I'd tune in to watch you, YDG!

  4. Yeay Baltimore! Boo MTV! Yeay Capn Jack Sparrow!

  5. Mr. Charleston, don't mess with women...we have the ability to make your life miserable.
    Galt, I for one miss MTV with music..a lot.
    Debra I'm going to start pitching the vasectomy line to every pro life person I meet.
    Baltimore rocks. and so does Capt. Jack.
    Share away Vickie.

  6. How many more weeks until it's Week 1 again?

  7. You outdid yourself this time JS, I loved the Marco Polo one, pinched it, and cat with fleas made me giggle.

  8. Oh Jan..I'm so sorry..I had Baltimore and 4 points and thom was on a pot and if SF had scored a td he would have won $1,000 and I would still have won with my points for $50..well I won mine but not Thom..just remember got farther than all the other teams but one..nothing to be ashamed of..even though I know that it still hurts.

  9. Oh Jan..I'm so sorry..I had Baltimore and 4 points and thom was on a pot and if SF had scored a td he would have won $1,000 and I would still have won with my points for $50..well I won mine but not Thom..just remember got farther than all the other teams but one..nothing to be ashamed of..even though I know that it still hurts.

  10. Dead spot on...the Martin Luther King quote!

    Some of the best ones yet JS!

  11. Captain Jack Sparrow is the perfect role model.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  12. Football withdrawal is rough. And I'm not saying we're bitter, but we are making voodoo dolls with striped shirts and whistles around their necks.


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