Monday, March 18, 2013

today's Monday post is starting out the way I feel ..slow and late.

 ok, I forgot..but I'm here..better late than never..


  1. I had to steal the memory chant, but I don't remember why.

    The vodka diet is perfect as long as the don't modify the vodka genes. hehe

  2. That chicken one--did he really say that? It seems like something he would say. I love that one!

  3. And I'm late in reading your post today . . . thanks, Monday. But it was worth the wait! I laughed out loud at Gordon Ramsay's chicken joke! I'm stealing it too.

  4. Thanks for the belated Monday laugh Granny.

  5. I enjoyed your Monday. Hope you had a good Tuesday. Waitin for Wednesday, which at this rate I will check out on Thursday.

  6. I would like to see Corey Booker run for Senate.

    Got a question for you: If Orly Taitz got pregnant from Donald Trump would the offspring be human?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. all the green cards in the world would make that baby a legal alien....ol buzzard.
    I wouldn't doubt that Ramsey said that ...he's a psycho.
    what memory chart..need more vodka


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