Friday, April 05, 2013

just when you thought you were going to have to kill someone... along comes Friday and saves your ass

 Friday ......have my yearly apt with my foot doctor..if it's like the last 3 years he say's:'nice feet see ya in a year.'...


  1. Great political ones today...but...I need me some of those tasty ass crackers.

  2. I am so.....tempted, struck me as very funny this morning.
    Been there!!!
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead Jackie.
    Thanks for all the humor.

  3. My faves this morning are:
    1. the Bible Kill Count
    2. Justice Scalia's life partner and
    3. Tasty Ass Crackers!

    Thanks for always giving us good LOLs!

  4. Did you ever notice that it's always the first five days after the weekend that are most difficult?

    My favorite is Tasty Ass Crackers


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