Tuesday, April 23, 2013



  1. That's a great FB page you've got going there, YDG!

  2. This is just my humble opinion. On this business with the idiots from Kansas who think "protesting" the funerals of these volunteer fire fighters is the thing they want to do..... The teamsters kept them out of Boston. Bikers keep them out of a lot of other places.
    People should be able to mourn and grieve in peace ..... without a bunch of idiots waving a bunch of iodiotic signs in their faces. I'm hoping that fire fighters from the area will show up, protect these families from the idiots, and drown out their rantings, and ravings. Those brave souls who made the ultimate sacrifice...deserve no less. JMHO.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....