Monday, May 20, 2013



  1. Interesting to learn about the owners of the fertilizer plant. As for the litigation -- of course, people must sue. That's why the fertilizer plant has insurance. To cover things like this. Litigation to recover damages is nothing personal and hopefully people understand that.

  2. I hope the out of town lawyers don't move in and turn this into something ugly.

  3. That is an interesting article. I hope the pain and loss heals.

  4. no one in town is blaming him. well the people that aren't long time residents are looking for a lawyer, the one that lived in the apt buildings which as far as I'm concerned should have been torn down 10 years ago.and the owner hadn't had anything to do with the daily running of that place in probably 15 plus years..
    Jan they are already here, think so far 7 people are suing..and a lot of them aren't doing the suing it's the insurance companys that the home owners had that are suing them to get paid's sad but right now everyone's so concerned about Oklahoma.

  5. no one in town is blaming him. well the people that aren't long time residents are looking for a lawyer, the one that lived in the apt buildings which as far as I'm concerned should have been torn down 10 years ago.and the owner hadn't had anything to do with the daily running of that place in probably 15 plus years..
    Jan they are already here, think so far 7 people are suing..and a lot of them aren't doing the suing it's the insurance companys that the home owners had that are suing them to get paid's sad but right now everyone's so concerned about Oklahoma.

  6. The situation is just plain sad. And there are simply too many hungry lawyers around.

  7. Says a lot about who they are as people when someone can be employed by them for 48 years. Good lord, I hope they are okay, this must weigh on them so heavily!


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