Friday, September 13, 2013

FRIDAY didn't come soon enough


  1. Have a good weekend. I like the Lucy one the best today. And the ton o' nekkid women.

  2. That quotation from Barney Frank is just hilarious!

    And damn right we don't want that idiot back! He's your problem now, LOL.

    That Republican park bench says it all!

    Thanks for all the good LOLs this morning, YDG. Happy Friday the 13th!

  3. The Giraffe that visited the dentist one nearly broke a rib - laughed so hard!

  4. I liked the last one and the giraffe..haha

  5. thanks for all you do to keep me sane. You provide a much needed public service. I liked the park bench best of all. keep up the good work.

  6. Yuck, the ton of women. You haven't featured Putin for a while. Are you pissed off at him?


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