Monday, November 18, 2013


 I love this picture of O. it's at Abby's birthday party..and no matter how much they love each other, Olivia felt left out ...broke my heart..such a sweet sad little face.
 getting ready to go to Colorado for Thanksgiving.

 Miss Ruth said all of a sudden Abby got real quite and when she looked over Abby had kicked off her shoes and was playing with her pudding with her toes..she's quite proud of herself..they told Jamie they can't keep her shoes on her.

 Jen says she loves grandma's banana  bread..I'm going to try and find a raisin bread recipe for my bread machine..

she loves her phone.and is big on taking notes..


  1. I must play with my pudding with my toes soon! Sounds like fun!

  2. That Olivia is such a precious little poopsie! Abby just looks like fire! I could just eat them both, they're so sweet!

  3. Thanks for the baby fix. If you ever get tired of them, I'll be glad to step in....

  4. Those babies just get more gorgeous every time I see photos of them.

  5. Such brilliant blue eyes!!

    They are just two durn cute!!!!


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