Monday, December 30, 2013


 Abby and Olivia at day care Christmas party..they wore bells on their wrists to shake them during jingle bells..Olivia didn't like it at all and just wanted to get them off of her..Abby was all hey I can dance and make my own music.

 Olivia little viking princess...I'd kill to have that color blond again..naturally.

 In Colorado skiing with the kids and grandkids..Thom and Candy have this thing about snow...ha
 as you can  see Abby is loving her new car..we couldn't get her to sit down or drive it 'nice'..she was all pedal to the metal..
 doesn't like the helmet .

wild woman..when Olivia first got there Abby was napping so Olivia was going around saying 'Abby nap nap? Abby nap nap?'  she was so excited when Abby got up and went to hug her and Abby stiff armed her and went right by her..she's not a hugger..Later on when Olivia got fed up with her and having to share the spotlight with Abby she was going up to everyone going 'Abby nap nap now? "...and Abby's going no no no no..oh it's going to be so much fun to see them grow up together.


  1. I've been dying for a baby update!!! They are growing up so fast! And so precious! Those shiny boots, hello!

    I have thing about snow too, I think it's called hatred. Ha! Thanks for all the comments on my blog!! Xoxo I've missed you!!!

  2. Laffs. Such a cute story about the "nap naps" to go with the photos of the cutey pies!!

  3. Beautiful, adventurous girls!!

  4. You have so many great Christmases ahead with them.

    And then they become teenagers...

  5. Aren't they getting big!! Glad they had a wonderful holiday time.

  6. they are learning some thing new every day..its so exciting to watch them grow.


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