Thursday, January 09, 2014


 I  received this lovely award from: and I'm supposed to to bestow 5 of these to the most deserving blogs..which is hard because I love all of you.but think I will pick 5 that have low visitor counts and deserved to be read by here goes.
1. is one of my favorite blogs and belongs to one of my favorite people..She's smart, she's funny, I'm crazy about her two daughters who she refers to as heir and spare. Her husband is a very very talented writer and to top it off? she's an Eagles all know how I feel about the Eagles and their for me to love her unconditionally and her be a Eagle Fan...well you know she has to rock..and she does.
2.  this lady may be the funniest lady in blogspere..she makes me laugh and think and ponder..she's one of my favorite Canaderian's..I am mad about this lady..but be warned she talks about her poops a lot.
3. like this dude...and like Mrs Rat also..Takes some great photos and tells some great stories..Can't go wrong here.
4. this guy doesn't have a blog, but I'm working at getting him on blogspot. Right now he is on Facebook and he makes me laugh every day..He's got one of the sharpest minds out there..So smart and witty..check him out..good reason to get on Facebook.
5. I love Jan..we're like sisters..we have the same weird sense of humor and love for our favorite football teams..and love of animals..especially my Dexter and her poodles..she's got a great blog, check her out too..
ok...I'm done..working on your Friday post..I'm been very's been hot tea snuggle up with your book weather..and I have been. it rocks..


  1. Congratulations! You deserve that one!

  2. Congratulations! You deserve that award!

  3. congrats and thank you for thinking of me.

  4. You're the best, YDG, and you've also picked five more worthy blogs to pass it on to!

  5. by the way, the 5 I picked are supposed to pick 5 too..

  6. Well it's about time is all I have to say!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to