Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Rangers are coming the Rangers are dang.And at the same time Representatives from the Texas Campaign for the Environment are scheduled to be in West this afternoon to notify residents of a chemical safety hearing later this month in Houston. 
Robin Schneider, executive director of the Texas Campaign  for the Environment group, said members of her group are to be in the city from 2-4 visiting West residents.
Schneider explained that her group plans to go door to door handing out information to residents about this Public Listening Session on Jan.24 at the Harris County Department of Education's Training and Conference Center in Houston.
The printed information they plan to give to West residents discusses briefly the April 17, 2013 Fertilizer  plant explosion. The opening paragraph is as follows: "Residents of West, Texas know better than anyone the dangers of hazardous materials in our communities. Although the investigation is ongoing we know that the ammonium nitrate was stored in wooden containers and the facility did not have sprinklers or basic security measures such as a fence."

I think they are trying to tell us, we're screwed because they're shutting the barn door after the horses escaped.
Kiwanis Club is having a blood drive on January 16.
The city is offering a $500 award for help catching or identifying the person who robbed our Subway. I do know that my friend Officer Daryll Barton and the West Police department were Johnny on the spot and we're really lucky to have them.

My heart is really aching for my little town, it seems like there are so many problems with the long term recovery center...people are rebuilding and the houses are going up fast and people have been helped..But there are many who are in dire circumstances and have received no help..Like the couple and their grandson who are blind from the glass that blew in from the explosion. Now if there is anyone that needs and deserves help it's them..yet their being told they can't help them..not good..not good at all.

The year of 2013 is going to go down as the 3rd wettest year in over a decade..46 inches. Dang.

and life goes baby..Jakob William weighed 8 lbs. 3 ozs. and 20 inches long.
Kyndall Elizabeth is engaged to Benjamin Michael Jirasek ...They will be married at Highland Baptist Church on May 31, 2014.
Amanda J. Sulak, is engaged to Clifton C. Houck and will be married on May 31, 2013 in Plano, Texas.
Congratulations to Jayce Hutyra for making the Presidents Honor Roll for Summer and Fall of 2013 at TSTC in Waco.
We lost 6 oldies..many were from the West Rest Haven that were moved to other nursing homes. We have lost close to 30 residents in 8 months..
 7 Lady Trojans selected for the Waco Tribune-Herald's Super Centex volleyball team..

And West still is the best place to live and you can buy these houses for a start. Fantastic, 1-yr old 3-3-3 with 2400 sf insulated workshop and in-ground pool on 1.09+/acres. Beautiful cabinets, split floor plan, huge covered patio, privacy fence. West SD $295K 1380 Four Corners Rd.
5+/acres, aprx 7 miles west of West on farm road 1858. Good road frontage, heavily wooded, 2 stock tanks, excellent fence, good neighbors. $58,500.
So..........come on down.

It's a beautiful day outside..sunshine and clear skies, think it might get to high 60's or low 70's. I think I will go to the Senior Center and see some Rangers..
Things are not perfect here in West, and never were, but I'd rather be here than any place else..

oh...and I have some newly discovered friends in Arizona...There is the GGG Grandbaby that will be born soon, and get this...they're naming him Dexter after my cat....who was named after a serial killer..wonder if they know that? Might want to rethink friends..I sorta think they should name him Jackson."Yaateeh good friends."


  1. I know..I really liked the idea of that..but too old to see it played out.ha

  2. Wow! You've really been through it! It just seems to go on and on. I hope 2014 brings many good things to you and your community!

  3. Sorry that help isn't getting to some of the people who need it, especially the ones who lost their eyesight.

    But Dexter is a good serial killer. That should be taken into account.

  4. Updates on West are much appreciated Jackie. Thanks for caring and sharing.

  5. There's no escape from the buggers is there?

  6. Reading this, Jaciesue, made me feel as if I was there ...and kind of cozy inside : ) Sounds like a good town with good people (present company included). Almost like reading my hometown paper...or the way it USED to be until the "Powers That Be" whittled it down to an embarrassing tiny, misspelled,poorly laid out,Obama-bashing rag in an attempt to make life in general,miserable ...but I digress. I DO, however,believe in Karma we can only hope we're around to see...and! Keep us informed and there with y'all.
    BTW I would love to be there in body . Here it's been -11 degrees below...air temp...-45 below windchill Yikes!

  7. i tell people when they move to West to set their watches back 50 years...this place is like Mayberry..with beer..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to