Monday, April 07, 2014

Bah Bah..Baw, Baaa.Wha? Monday..must check out the Rabbids Invasion. yafta!


  1. Love the Borowitz quotation about Bush's painting! And the dyslexia t-shirt, LOL!

    But the best one of all is Fred Phelps in the 9th Circle of Hell. Burn, you bastard, burn.

  2. These are one and all brilliant. The ticked-off cat looks just like my trophy feline. Hope you dont' mind if I steal a couple of these for various nefarious uses!

  3. I have to agree - the garbage in the ocean is a bigger problem than the missing airplane - and I hate to think how much money the US Government has thrown away in searching for it.

  4. So many good ones, but many got me thinking - insurance pays for Viagra and the like. They pay for vasectomies. But it's ok to not pay for birth control pills?? Makes no f**king sense at all - except - I forgot most of the law makers are MALES! Bastids.

  5. Term limits for Congress!! The founding fathers never meant for it to be a lifetime job for senile men and women.


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