Wednesday, May 07, 2014


I would like to take this time and thank you for the sweet and touching comments that you leave here...Just about the time I think, we'll hell, no one is out there..they've gotten bored and moved fuck it I'm done..and then some one will leave a comment that just touches my old heart and I'm sometimes at a loss for words for a I'm taking the time now to tell you how much your comments mean to me..and naming your baby after my cat who was named after a serial killer means so much to me..I wish you all peace love and harmony grits..and blessings from the Goddess to you..
I fucking love you guys...js


  1. aw shucks! If I was there I would squeeze you and give you a big ole sloppy kiss on your cheek. It is I who should thank you for consistently making me smile and cheering me up when I need it. Love ya, girl!

  2. When he's grown up, little Dexter will have quite the story to tell about how he was named! But certainly, if anyone deserves a namesake, it's Dexter the cat! That's great.

  3. *send you a couple dozen hugs*

    ...and smiles.

  4. I love comments too! We are new to this blogging thing and my girls are always asking-"Did we get any comments?" I always tell my family, please comment for them. I love reading you blog and appreciate the time you put into it. I really enjoy getting to see different opinions, locations and just people in general. From our family in Missouri to you in Texas!

  5. "Naming your baby after my cat who was named after a serial killer" is why I love you! Don't ever change!!!!

    Always here, just behind as balls.

  6. Jackiesue - you really do brighten my day. And while I am here - until we get rid of the millions of Mother's Day/graduation/confirmation/communion greeting cards, I won't be able to get one to send you for Kaden. There just isn't any that are remotely appropriate - unless I make him one.

  7. make a card, send a postcard..just a note to say hey kid..your in my prayers hope your ok...
    the top of my bucket list is to meet each and everyone of and kisses..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to