Friday, October 17, 2014

I have the quickstep flu...and it's Friday


  1. The threesome one made me laugh out loud!

    The Islamic/Christian monsters one is right on. But oh, the next one about Columbus Day! DOUBLE ZING!

    But the best one is Jesus's tweet to Huckabee!

  2. Well, there's a lot of politics today. I gotta say the last one pic is the funniest.

  3. Give-m hell Granny.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. You probably know my favorites.

  5. Oh,Jackiesue, sorry to hear you're feeling poorly. I had it last week ( gift from a couple of grandkids...the little dears). Hope it's short lived!
    Must say " fuck this shit" pretty much described my mood when I got here...and my mantra lately. Then I began reading and scrolling down...
    "3 some" and the Columbus Day ones made me laugh. As did the new commandment ( and why are "we" "discussing" these issues STILL/AGAIN in 2014?!?!?)
    Lots to ponder especially liked the " KKK" one. But if the " she's voting" one doesn't motivate our ass to get out and vote - nothing will!
    Hope you fell better soon,YDG. Drink plenty of liquids ( your choice ; )

  6. TGIF!

    It's a shame I'm a week behind.

    I hope you are feeling all better today.


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