Friday, October 24, 2014

Shake your booty it's Friday


  1. "Sometimes, the first step towards forgiveness is to realizing the other person was born an idiot."
    But some of them work real hard at continuing to be an idiot!!

    And the one about going to work to subsidize the oil companies reminds me of what used to piss me off when working. When I realized I was subsidizing the company and/or corporation I was working for with my labor, it totally pissed me off.

  2. TGIF.

    And soon it will be TGTFEAO...

  3. Love you Jackie! Keep on, keeping on! We need you now more than ever!

  4. There are SO MANY good ones in this post that if I mention them all, this comment will go on forever! Thanks for always finding such gems, YDG! Now I must get to work and steal a whole shitload of them for future use . . . .


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