Monday, October 13, 2014

Spring has sprung, fall has fell, winter is here and it's hotter than hell..Monday


  1. Stole the republican policies one and posted it on facebook. Also a bunch of good ones, too numerous to list.

  2. I think Putin can have what ever he wants

  3. Hey,Jackiesue! First, sign me up for those " Mom Scouts"!That sounds like something I'd enjoy.
    Liked the one about Repub policies and I think that's an outstanding idea. Feel that way about people who think the earth is 6000 yrs old. I want to say, ok,but you've got to live with that science! Now, give me your phone, car,cable, computer...
    Congrats to Malala! My 8 yo granddaughter asked me about her. She is actually learning about her in school. Malala would like that.
    " And we all shine on..." I wonder what a difference John could have made today. I'm guessing we all wouldn't be as apathetic as we've become.(another senseless gun death).
    Love love loved the Vick one!
    Clown motel...laughed out loud (and cringed a little)
    Favorite funny: arguing with a 2 y o. We've all been there, and think about it, they make some really valid points!
    Sorry it's hot there. We have been having an absolutely glorious fall and I'm on vacation. YAY! I'll jump in a pile of leaves for you! Thanks,YDG, hope you have a week that makes you smile.

  4. Whew. Nice to hear. After a shaky start I think the 49ers are going to win tonight!

  5. I've always believed that everyone in the US Congress, Supreme Court and the President should be required to know and be able to recite the entire US Constitution from memory before they can be "elected or appointed". Of course that means none of them (probably) at the moment would meet the requirement.


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