Monday, December 22, 2014

Joe Cocker - You're so beautiful (lyrics)RIP


  1. RIP

    Lung cancer sounds like a horrible way to go.

  2. Oh dear, Joe Cocker died, did he? A unique voice and a unique performance manner too. Always a fave of mine. RIP

  3. was a sweet man..and younger than me..those are the ones that get to me..but Joe? wow..didn't realize how it got to me..when I read it I burst into tears..but then I cry at Dr Pepper commercials.

  4. Joe certainly had a distinctive voice. Absolutely loved his renditions of The Beatles songs and " You Are So Beautiful " puts a lump in my throat. I remember the first time I actually saw him perform (a concept difficult to imagine since the days of MTV and music videos) I thought he had an affliction and felt he was SO brave to get on stage. I laugh about that still. He was one of the important pieces of that wonderous era. We'll miss you,Joe
    ...and Jackiesue, it's the Anheuser-Busch ads that make me sob.


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