Tuesday, March 15, 2016

11 year anniversary..........tada

hard to believe I've been churning out yellowdog granny for 11 years...a big ole Texas thank you to all of you that have been here since the beginning and the ones that came in later...couldn't have done it without you..


  1. Holy moly, YDG, you've been blogging longer than anyone I know! Happy 11th Blogoversary!

  2. I just realized it had 2009 on the cake..was March 5th of 2005...long time..I've been with you guys longer than all 3 of my marriages put together.

  3. I was there at the beginning. I can't believe how many bloggers have wimped out over the years.

  4. Goodness! 11 years already!!!!?!?!?!

    Hugs! Hope there are more than 11 years ahead!

  5. Happy, happy, happy anniversary. So glad I found this site and then FB. I would miss so much not knowing you!

  6. Oh wow. I started in April 2005. I didn't start with Blogger, though. I came over here about a year and a half later. That's when I discovered this jewel among jewels. We love you Jackiesue!d More please!

  7. most of the ones that were with me at the beginning were with me from blogger...we all got given the boot for swearing ...I got booted for calling the new owners Neil and Bob..and writing a post titled Adios Motherfuckers..boy we had fun getting thrown off..
    I appreciate so much all of you sticking with me ...thru all the good years and the ones starting with the 50's and going thru 2006? remember those? they were fun.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....