Sunday, March 20, 2016


I wanted to add the yellowdog democrat doggie and screwed up my colors and layout of my someone....I want it back...the old header of the praying rocks is no longer on my blog and neither is the goddess that was on the this shit is here..fuck..hep'me!


  1. How did you manage to do this. I know not of Blogger so I am no help.

  2. all I wanted to do was put the yellowdog emblem as a header...

  3. It looks like you accidentally changed your template. That does suck. Hope you're able to get it all back.

  4. I'm going to email you privately in a couple of hours. I may be able to help you with the template this evening once I'm home from work.

  5. You have two columns in your template. The left column is where you post, etc. It is 480 pixels wide. The right column (where your Yellow Dog Logo is), is static...the content basically doesn't change. It is 240 pixels wide. I can't see the entire object, but your logo is approximately 290 pixels wide. So the column or the logo needs to have the width changed.If you have PhotoShop, resize the logo to 230 wide, or so. Or...changing the column width to 300 should do the trick, as well (if not, keep changing in increments of 10 until it works). Don't mess with the main body column. Hope this helps.

  6. No chance we can take the Congress, that is fixed; but the Senate is a possibility - if Democrats get off their ass and vote.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  7. Something got messed up in Blogger Layout.

    Go to your Blog Post Listing - on the left is "Layout" - click layout - I don't know if what got messed up is "recoverable" or if you need to re-do it. UGH!


  8. In Blog Post Listing - click Template (it is right under Layout) there is a "backup / restore" button on the upper right - if you have/had a backup - you could restore it - I suspect you don't - and are screwed.



thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to