Friday, May 06, 2016

it's Friday, and I be hopping...for Meals on Wheels..


  1. "The Don't GOPee Party" -- hahahahahaha, good one! Had a good laugh at Yahweh's To-Do List, too. But the best one is SHANIA Law!

  2. Your blog is an important contribution to the insane world of blogs. Common sense is not common. Keep up the good work and that tits out thing! ha ha ha ha ha ha

  3. Another great lot. My week is not complete until I get to read Friday and does not properly start until your Monday post. I know it takes a lot of time to search and get the right ones - thanks for doing it.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I'm guessing your meme collecting will get significantly easier now that Trump's the presumptive nominee. Ha. :) The facts to piss off your Republicans friends was so funny!

    Personally, I'd like a few more memes that aren't necessarily antie-Bernie, but absolutely anti-Bernies-supporters being dicks. I know a number of active Bernie supporters who really walk-the-walk - really. And yay for them. But for fucksake, the ones who don't? And who are getting ... no. It's Saturday morning. I'm not doing that to myself.

    Well. That was fun. ha!!

  5. The one about trickle-down economics made me stand up and clap.


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