Friday, October 07, 2016

unbutton your pants, hunker down on the couch with the's Friday


  1. Happy Friday! Yesterday I took the car and it was sunny all day, today, I rode the bike and it's sure to rain!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  2. Pence's extreme religious views are a part of his baggage that people don't know about.
    The Ol'Buzzard

  3. Those quotations by WEB DuBois and James Baldwin are great.

    "When he comes back into your life saying he's a changed man" -- hahahahahaha!

    But my fave is the Good Ol' Boy who wants to marry the other Good Ol' Boy! Do it boys! Put up the rainbow flag instead!

  4. I'd like the rebel flag replaced with the rainbow flag..hahah


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