Monday, November 21, 2016

let me explain...

I really meant it when I left that post that I wasn't going to do this shit any more..I was so shocked, disgusted and terrified that I, for a moment, lost my fight..but it's not in me to not fight..I've fought and rebelled against EVERYTHING my entire life..I've always questioned things..When I was 13 and took catechism to become a Catholic, I nearly drove Father Cornelius insane..I questioned everything.. yeah, she was a virgin? really..don't you think she was fooling around with Joseph and because they weren't married they made up that story? I mean they would have stoned her right?.It rained 40 days and 40 nights and flooded the earth and all the animals were on one boat? yeah, I don't believe that. So?
I didn't start out being political..I turned 21(that's when you had to be 21 to vote) something like 4 days after the election..Johnson vs Goldwater..I was soo pissed..I had studied and read every paper (no internet back in them days.)and questioned everyone I knew..what do you want from the president? I was a brat and married to a GI, wanted to know what people thought about war..
In all these years I can say I have changed my mind about so many things..why? because I learned. I still read and ask questions. But you know what? Not everyone does..they have gut responses and catch phrases...they wouldn't go into surgery with a dude that never operated before..but they elect a dude that has absolutely no experience in politics for President. Fuckme.
So after I got over my initial shock dismay and horror and started seeing the great fucking memes out there..well, as Al said in the Godfather..'just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.'...and the Biden and Barack memes helped here I am...stuck in the middle with you..but I will be doing some other posts too..I'm almost done with doing the West memes cause I have just been heart broken by so many people that I thought were smart, had a soul and a conscious and voted for that right now? I'm not to thrilled with the town of West..thank the Goddess they aren't all like that..but I am beginning to see her warts and and that may take me longer than getting over the election..


  1. Good for you, YDG! You're a born rebel, hellraiser and shit-disturber with a powerful BS detector, that's why I luv ya! They'll never keep you down, at least not for long! We are home again now and my blog resumes on Wednesday. Belated birthday greetings too -- you and My Rare One are both scorpios! Hoo boy!

  2. welcome home sweet girls...and a scorpio? whoo have your hands full..and yes..I will continue to kick ass as long as I can bend my knees.

  3. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

  4. With you being ill not too long ago - I'm glad to see you are feeling better.

    The world sucks - and I hope things can get turned around for your grands - they deserve much better than what we've given them so far.

  5. Good for you for asking and learning on all sort of things.
    Coffee is on


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to