Monday, January 30, 2017

Doomsday?..not this Monday, but the day isn't over with yet


  1. "Shh, don't call me that in public yet" -- HAHAHAHAHA!

  2. Weed is now legal in Maine: but we still don't need the fucking wall.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. you and I always like the same ones Debra...

    yeah, I don't know who's still buying Mexican weed..haha

  4. ...weed from MEXICO?! BLECH!!!! We haven't had that nasty shit here since Colorado legalized. We've got artisanal bud within fairly easy reach, even in this blue-nosed prig state.

    The cartels had to switch over to heroin and fentanyl because the US stopped buying their shitty dope...


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