Friday, January 27, 2017

no one gets out alive..count down moved up ....Friday


  1. Mexico's 1848 border -- LOL! And a new "Trump Circle" of Hell, oh my!

    "ALTERNATIVE PRAISE!" Goddess bless George Takei.

    Love the embroidered protest sign. But the best one is the last one "She the People" -- right on!

  2. I just realized today that it has only beenn one week. ONE fucking week! And I already have an ulcer watching the drumpf gang operate. HOLYFUCKINGSHIT! 207 more weeks, folks TWO HUNDRED AND SEVEN!

    All good stuff today, BTW. No, really they are...I mean it because I cannot tell an alternative fact.

  3. Rocking the boat may not be enough. I think it might be time to sink the ship.


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