Friday, February 03, 2017

thank the goddess it's Friday


  1. keep-um coming, we need this. What I am afraid of is that, like gun violence, people will get so use to Trump attacks on liberal values that we will become apathetic and view his actions as normal happening of our day.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. So many good ones. I'm leaving the political cartoon business to you, JackieSue

  3. oh Ol'Buzzard I sure as fuck hope not.
    hey you had some great ones Blog Fodder...

  4. Thanks again for a great sendoff to the weekend! Wishing you all the best, dear Jackie Sue!

  5. thanks so much Valerie..hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Wow, that Anne Frank one is a kick right in the feels, eh? And that tweet from Jesus H Christ --hahahahahaha! But my fave is your final one -- you always save the best for last!

  7. I like to go out with a bang debra..and the Anne Frank one was so sad.


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