Monday, March 06, 2017

i got those monday morning trump blues


  1. Awwww, the rainbow sweater! And the sweater on the jaguar hood ornament! And the poutine Venn diagram! But my fave is the tequila one, lol!

  2. Debra I loved those two..I sometimes really miss Tequila..not the hangovers but the drink..and not those wussy margaritas either..straight shots till your eyes burned.

  3. 1 tequila 2 tequila 3 tequila FLOOR... ~8D

  4. I set a personal record for amount of tequila I drank ...fifth and a half..
    next morning I felt like there were cactus needles coming out of my pores..and all the enamel felt like it had been eaten off by all the lemons I ate.

  5. Thanks for the chuckles. Loved Bloom County

  6. it brings me such joy that Berkeley Breathed is doing bloom county again..even if it's only on facebook..and this strip that he is doing now is hysterical..and so spot on..will be posting as many as I can...glad I bring you a few laughs.

  7. Another fine mess he has gotten into.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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