Friday, June 09, 2017

Friday's child is loving and giving..well that ain't donald


  1. Third party voters. How come no one is investigating Jill Stein? Parties such as hers are often used to pull votes from other parties. Her "recount" was deliberately screwed up to produce no result but to prevent anyone from doing a real recount.

  2. I'd like to find her and kick her ass.wonder how much donald paid her to run?

  3. OMG I laughed so hard at the Donald J Trump Presidential Library one! And hey, for supper tonight I want covfefe with noodles and one of those special chocolate omelettes!

  4. Will you please make me an omelette? (I had to try three times to spell that right)

  5. we all need those kind of omelettes for breakfast..and lunch and dinner...

  6. great selection. keep up the resistance...
    the Ol'Buzzard


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