Thursday, June 01, 2017

Thursday and Friday...tada...2fer..


  1. The Bible's first page -- hahahahahaha! "Someone changed the lock" -- IF ONLY! Love the FBI welcome home committee though. And also Ivanka's "dead inside" collection! So many good ones this morning, YDG!


  2. ...I've made that Sudafed joke before, without ever seeing that. It's almost easier to get an 8-ball of speed than a box of Sudafed anymore...

  3. Gay magic shield appropriate for June - gay pride month.

    Have been in a computer slump for about a month - probably because Trump fucks up constantly but is protected by Republicans: it gets old. The entire Republican house should be investigated for their cover-up of the Trump Russian connection.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I just emptied out my Vault of memes..there were some good ones in there..I read someplace that Ivanka is having an affair with some dude at trump towers..that cracks me up..and loved the 8ball one.hahh..the entire republican party should be ousted..bastards.


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