Thursday, July 20, 2017

yo' it's almost Friday..


  1. Ha ha, Bob Ross painting Christie on the beach! But there's no Happy Little Trees! And yeah, a whole LOTTA dicks have fallen off because of the new female Dr Who, LOL! And "Trump officials could soon refill Gitmo" -- hahahahaha, what a headline!

  2. I'm loving the chris cristie memes...I'd love that headline Debra

  3. The Denmark Burger King Meme says it all! Minimum wage is a joke in this country as is health care. A person who works any job at 40 hours a week should have a wage to support a family of four above the poverty level and health care! Anything else is akin to slavery or end entire servitude.

  4. End entire was meant to be endentured

  5. I agree 100%...we need a $15 minimum wage.

  6. Damn autocorrect messes me up a lot.

  7. Dogdamnit. This sucks. Don't even have the mental energy to snark. This entire month has been utter shite, and there's still 11 days left in it. At this rate, the Tangerine Trainwreck will anoint himself Emperor Orange The First when August rolls over us...

    *packs bag, puts new batteries in Thumb, dons towel, and waits for the next Constructor Fleet to pass by...*


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