Sunday, August 27, 2017

Five feet high and rising - Johnny Cash

for all of you that might be worried about ole yellerdawg..this is an update..I live in the heart of Texas..17 miles from Waco, 120 from Austin and over 400 miles from the coast..and while this storm has brought us a little wind (25 miles an hour at the most) and some needed rain..I'm good..I do have a passel of kinfolk that live in the Houston area, but so far all of them are safe and no homes are flooded..
I'm sure you've seen all the pictures and videos on the news but this is a great little article..
I'm continuing to give the Goddess something shiny for the people along the coast..
Remember the pictures at beginning of summer when we were at Port Aransas? The ones of me and the gg's in the big shark's mouth? It's gone...the great restaraunt Moby Dick's, where I stood in the arm of the pirate skeleton? Destroyed...along with everything up and down each and every street..not totally or completely..but it's going to take years to bring that town and Rockport and the rest of them back to normal..if ever...but hey, Trump wished them 'good luck'...that orange fucker.


  1. Maybe not literally, but a LOT of us are gonna need hip-waders before much longer, the way the shit's being slung...

  2. Thanks for the update...scary.

  3. glad I live in central texas...Jamie and I may want to rethink moving to the coast.

  4. Glad you're safe. Thinking good thoughts for the people on the coast. Leave it to Trump: His first disaster and no one is in charge of FEMA or NOAH -
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. Poor Houston is really getting hammered. Glad you're safe and dry in central Texas!

  6. I'm sure everyone will be comforted by Trump's visit Tuesday. I can't wait to see him on the news, slogging through the rain and mud.

    Glad you are ok.

  7. ...I'd say if you plan to live on the Gulf Coast, do it in a houseboat that can skeedaddle its happy ass out of the way when shit like this blows in, because this =ain't= the last of these we're gonna see, I Guar-On-Tee...

  8. Wibble,Jamie and I had talked about moving to Galveston..I said I would buy a little rv and when hurricanes came, just get in rv and get her and abby and haul ass to dry land..I think they told him not to come..just like they did Obama..because they have to clear a no fly zone for them and it takes away from rescuing..but unless someone tells him what to do..he doesn't do anything but tweet.

  9. Personally, I'd want the Tangerine Trainwreck as far from the scene of the disaster as humanly possible - they don't need the extra boost of entropy from having his lunatic ass around...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to