Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday ...countdown to doomsday.


  1. You know if you think mainstream Southern Baptists are bad, wait until you meet Independent Baptists (Duggar family are members) who thought mainstream SBs were too liberal...

  2. The "Master Race" and "What do you have to lose?" are two of the hardest hitting ones you've ever posted. I love 'em!

  3. Adam my grandmother was hardshell baptist..I know how extreme they can be
    Jadedj, I look for the hard hitting ones..

  4. American Taliban is right on... Also those voters who voted neither Trump or Hillary... You wonder why it is not more visible - why people aren't screaming from the street corners.

    You are doing a great service
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. The master race: what can you do but shake your head?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. about the time I think fuck this I'm not doing the memes any more someone like you Ol'Buzzard tells me I'm doing good..thanks sweetie.


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