Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday? TUESDAY? really? sigh*

white supremacists in the white house


  1. "How'd ah live ta be a hunnerd? Cee-garz an' Whisky Daily!"

    ...LOL. "Captain's Log." XD

  2. wibble there is a little ole lady in west who is 93 and still does all her own house cleaning cooking and yard work, including mowing her yard..she doesn't drink and never has..but she smokes like a chimney..thinks no one knows as she never smokes around any one..but we can smell it..but she says the reason for her good health is Dr Pepper..drinks at least 3 a day...hahah

  3. I love it when Republicans say "Democrats founded the KkK" and then deny that the Democrats were the right-wing party of that time frame.

    Yet they are the ones defending neo-confederates and Nazis... who the fuck are they trying to fool? Ben Carson, Herman Cain, and Tim Scott?

  4. ...Who are they trying to fool?

    Themselves. They take the state of being un-self-aware to a totally new and ludicrous extreme, simply to avoid culpability for their utter and egregious fuckups...

  5. Love the minion: the sperm that won.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. these people's idea of reading a history book is reading Gone With The Wind..
    they are undereducated and in fear of a black man being better than him..and when President Obama got elected it set them off..then donald comes along and feeds their fear and bolsters their egos as superior white's..the dye was cast.
    yes..that sperm won..


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