Monday, September 04, 2017

if we can survive Harvey, hope to shit we can survive donald.

 yeah, we'd rather go hungry than eat fuckng tofu.


  1. I doubt Trump will really donate that much

  2. there are special catastrophes where people help people' but in genera 'stupid world' says it all.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Adam, in 10 years he's donated $7,000 to charities..he said he would donate a million to Katrina too, and didn' he's not going to donate bupkus..
    yea, I think I'm going to have the pooh one for the first and the stupid world as the last from here on out..

  4. Yep...the Obama birth certificate vs Trump donation receipt says it all for me.

  5. wibble I'm so sorry..will give the goddess something shiny for her..
    yeah, that says a lot doesn't it jadedj..


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