Wednesday, September 20, 2017

news from the homefront

welp...good news and bad news. Last Wed. coming out of VFW meeting I tripped over the concrete block that is there for cars(so some ole Czech won't drive thru the window ). Because my ass weights more than my tits instead of falling on my face I flipped in midair and landed on my back and snapped my head twice on concrete..(heard my neck crack)of course I was so embarrassed(right in front of about 5 VFW dudes) I started making jokes..'and for my next act.' I assured them I was fine and hobbling off to my home and telling everyone on Facebook what a dufus I am etc. and my granddaughter Jamie who's a nurse freaked out.reminded me 'you're not a young chicken any more granny.'..and insisted I call ambulance and go get a cat scan. Which I did...they attempted 2 iv's and blew both of them reputation of blowing shit preceded me. So they did a cat scan and (Baylor Scott and White Hillcrest Hospital staff rocks and the emt's from West were fantastic, I'm making them chocolate chip cookies today) the dr who was a Dr Mcdreamy..said the results came back and there was nothing wrong with me from the fall..but..don't you hate them fucking buts?..but..we found a very small what looks like a calcified cyst.could be a tumor but it's nothing..but we suggest you get a MRI and get it checked go to see Cujo the next morning and he's got the results straight from radiologist and it went from a calcified cyst to a meningioma...well super fuck..he showed me how big it was..about the size of my fingernail less than an half inch I'm thinking. he said you can have them for years and they never grow..could have been there for years or 2 months..most people that have them never have any problems with them..but if it grows? 'nother story..but I'm scheduled for MRI on Oct.2nd..which gives me time to imagine that fucker growing to be the size of a skunk egg ..ha..
I will try and keep up with the memes every day..but if I don't ...don't freak out I'm probably sitting in my recliner in tshirt and drawers watching Beaches and Terms of Endearments...hahahh..
so don't worry..I'm gonna be fine..and to leave you on a happy note...


  1. watching chick flicks is good for the soul

  2. Oh my, that was a nasty fall -- glad you didn't badly injure your back or get a concussion! Your family was wise to make you get everything checked out. Glad you're getting an MRI too and I hope that meningioma stays itty-bitty forever. Please take it easy and rest like you're planning to, YDG!

  3. so far I've just been binge watching Madame Secretary..
    I plan on outliving my fucking enemies.
    yeah, I'm resting..making chocolate chip cookies for the emts that took me to hospital..going to help with birthday party for the senior center tomorrow and drive for meals on wheels Friday..

  4. Don't you love it how those "oh, this is routine...just in case" turn into..."but..." and "most times there's nothing to worry about"...'unless".

    You take especial care, JackieSue!

  5. but should be removed from the vocabulary..and I'm chill.

  6. Take care and don't worry about us - we'll be around, somewhere...



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