Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween Tuesday


  1. OMG, so MANY good ones today I can't even list them or I'd be here all morning typing the world's longest comment! So I'll just say "Samhain blessings to you" and leave it at that!

  2. Goddess bless you're sweet heart Debra.

  3. We will see this from Agolf Twilter soon

    "Can a president pardon himself? Asking for a friend."

  4. Yet Again, I am having one of those days where I simply cannot tell people to FUCK OFF fast enough...


  5. I had a friend in Portland Oregon when I tended bar..he made me a plaque that said Jackie Brown(married name) she's got the fastest fuck you in town.

  6. I expect him to just go run screaming out the door of the white house Adam...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....