Thursday, October 19, 2017

happy Thor's Day. Don't be a jock strap


  1. "Must have been a rough divorce" -- LOL!

    OMG -- that one of the Viet Name Memorial Wall and "Who took Trump's place?" And of Mike Pence -- "Paid Protestor" -- scathing!

  2. the wall picture..says it all debra.

  3. Today I especially liked the jock strap one and the one where people were now upset about health care but didn't give a damn about others.

    That is the problem. No one thinks about the greater good here in government anymore! Thank you as always for your findings!!!


  4. You know all his people are sweating right before he says Niger. Through the Trump rednecks will applaud him for it and somehow make Obama somehow worse on the subject.

  5. When Trump is out of office. I'll be doing cart wheels that means I need to loose weight.
    Coffee is on

  6. ooh Adam...I thought the same know in his office he calls it N*****.
    now there's a headline I'd like to wake up to Dora..

  7. Today I especially liked the jock strap one and the one where people were now upset about health care but didn't give a damn about others.


  8. ...Bethesda Softworks and MachineGames have been working on the sequel to 2014's Wolfenstein: The New Order.

    Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus releases on October 27. I AM GOING TO PLAY THE LIVING HELL OUT OF IT.

    Of course, certain 'snowflakes' among the general populace are TERRIBLY offended by it. Care to watch the launch trailer and take a guess who?

    I'll give ya three guesses, and the first two don't count. ~>:)

    Here's a link to the launch trailer. Fair Warning, though - while it is just a video game, it is WILDLY graphic, INCREDIBLY violent, and DEFINITELY not for younglings. If you don't want to watch it, well and good; SPOILER: the upshot of the trailer is KICKING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF AMERICAN NAZIS.

    ...Bethesda couldn't have ASKED for a better set of circumstances for marketing this game.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. the jock strap is a favorite..
    we have the witches and the flying monkeys Ol'Buzzard.


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