Sunday, January 07, 2018

for your enjoyment

(With apologies to Gilbert & Sullivan) 

"I am the very model of a stable genius president
On Pennsylvania Ave you'll find I'm not a frequent resident
The Legislative Branch is something I can always circumvent
Colluding with the Russians was most certainly a non-event...

"I'm honored to reveal that I possess the greatest temperament 
I didn't drain the swamp I just replaced it with a circus tent 
And as for gorgeous women I can grab them all with no consent
And still give lots of tax breaks to my cronies in the one percent...

"I'm very good with signing things no one will ever implement
I have the best and biggest words but no clue what they represent
I'm going to build the biggest wall and make Mexico pay the rent
I am the very model of a stable genius president."

Wynne McLaughlin on Twitter @SpacemanQuisp 


  1. *likes, upvotes, +1s, etc.* :)

    ...but this? FUCK. THIS. NOISE.

    Whoever oozed this out of their asshole needs to be found and curbstomped in public. *rage seethe boil*

  2. I expect him at some point to show up in a uniform and hold a military parade like they do in North Korea.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. He's a genius like King Henry VI was sane and competent.

  4. Mad King Donald of the House of Spraytan...


  5. wibble has left a new comment on your post "for your enjoyment":

    Mad King Donald of the House of Spraytan...




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