Friday, January 19, 2018

The Actual Forgotten Working Class | January 17, 2018 Act 3 | Full Front...

thanks to Teacats...


  1. They like Trump cause he don't use no fancy words

  2. Thanks to you for posting this and so many wonderful funny things that manage to tell such truth as well!

    Hoping that this video from Samantha Bee (May the Goddess Bless Her) will go everywhere!!

    Hoping your wonderful readers here will consider posting it too!

  3. liking trump is like an intelligence test..and they just flunked adam...
    thanks teacats..I hope all my readers pass it on too...

  4. thanks Debra..thanks to Teacats letting me know about it..I'm going to have to start watching Samantha Bee's show.

  5. This is so true. The Village Idiot in Cheif has no idea what the real America is. He's a racist and is trying to Make America White Again, which it never was in the first place.

  6. your right Leeanna, but if we keep protesting and voting blue..maybe we can repair his damage..and see that it never happens again.

    pass the video on...


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