Thursday, April 26, 2018

i may be erratic about posting..but it's a start


  1. Don't worry about erratic posting, YDG, we want you to put yourself first! Thanks for the laffs today, especially:

    "Tweets o' trouble . . . covfefe!"

    Mexico's first payment for the Border Wall!

    And that new X-men movie!

  2. Thanks Debra..I will probably be hit or miss for awhile.seems like I'll be ok..then I just get over whelmed with emotions and I'm done for.

  3. Good to see you, YDG. Please keep healing yourself; we'll be happy to see you every once in a while!

  4. Its a process..and I'm grateful for all of your kindness.

  5. One day at a time. Some days are better than others.

  6. Thanks everyone for sticking with me while I deal with this. Love you all.

  7. Have seen quite a few of those on facebook, but not all; so thanks for sharing. I particularly love the sign board that ended with covfefe! Every single day I wonder what will be next with him, and how long we'll have to put up with him, and if any of his pathetic followers will wake up.

    Sandy's Space

  8. Its like it's a contest ..I can out crazy yesterday's tweet. Thanks for stopping by Sandy.

  9. Oh come on! Don't be shy! Tell us how you really feel about our twatnozzle of a POTUS! [lol] It's always refreshing to find like-minded people out here in Blogland. I'll definitely be back...

  10. trust me Mildred..I will always tell it like I feel..welcome to yellowdoggranys..where the one thing we all have in common is we ain't donald fans..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to