Thursday, July 19, 2018

Dear Canada

my beloved Canaderian friends..there are so many things I love about you...many many many things..but the thing I love the most is the tv show Letterkenny..
OMFG.. I laughed till I cried..I laughed till I peed..I laughed till I cried and peed at the same time..I'd have to stop it and rewind it because I was laughing so much I missed more funny shit and had to watch it all over again..I'm on season 4 and I'm terrified that after 5 there won't be any more and I'm going to be devastated..
pitter patter lets get at 'er...
I fecking love this dude.


  1. You know, I've never seen this show! But I want to -- it looks like the true successor to the Trailer Park Boys. It streams in Canada on a service I don't get, alas. I wish it was on regular cable TV!

  2. I have to check this out. Anything that makes you laugh has got to be good.

  3. if you have hulu it's on the first 2 you have a firestick? if so I can show you how to break it (addons.and it comes from Canada) and add kodi and Mobdro and you can get everything you get now and 100% more..for free..
    I watched the first 2 seasons on hulu and then I'm watching the rest on kodi..Trust me will absolutely love it..I swear I have never laughed that much in my entire life.
    Leeanna if you can get it do won't regret it...might be able to get them on youtube.

  4. BROKEN not illegal..unless you download movies and sell it.


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