Monday, July 16, 2018

the Russians are coming oops..they're already here..nyet nyet nyet


  1. "another prick with no wall" -- hahahahahahaha!

    "Ofputin" -- DOUBLE hahahahahaha!

    A whole post of great LOLs!

  2. Needed your post this morning. Had to turn the news off. Don't want to hear about this 'fake' summit with Putin and that's all that was on. Both of them sicken me.

  3. I loved another prick with no wall Soooooo much Debra. I love the brits.
    Mxtodis123..I couldn't watch..was afraid my head would explode.

  4. Now will Trump wash his mouth before he kisses Melania again?

  5. @Adam- I'd be surprised if she lets him get within ten feet of her after this fuckin' acid-eurotrip...

  6. Trump's pick for the Supreme Court is bad news. They are an unelected government. Is there a way to over ride them without waiting 50 years?


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