Monday, August 13, 2018

I don't give a chicken fried fuck about fucking donaldfuckingtrump


  1. "I don't give a chicken fried fuck" is now my new favourite expression -- thanks, Jackiesue!

    Got a huge laugh out of that midterm election / courtesy flush bumper sticker. Also "look into my eyes, orange fool . . . "

  2. Debra one of my friends on facebook found that expression on twitter..she stole it and then I stole it from's my new favorite expression too..and I love the look into my eyes one too...ha

  3. oh gods, that quip about sarcasm - It Is My Life...

  4. Is he still President?

    I'll check back in five mins

  5. Wibble..My 6 year old great granddaught Olivia is the actual youngest person I know that has sarcasm down pat..
    Adam I used to cherish each day I would wake up and still be alive..since Trump? not so much


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