Friday, October 12, 2018

hello? any one there?


  1. HAHAHAHAHA, love the Canadian invasion one! And yes, it's true. Hockey season always takes priority!

    And oh, that tweet "Nice work, Aunt Lydia" -- BUUUUURRRRRRRRN!

    Took me a minute to figure out the prunes one but then LOLOLOLOLOL!

    Kanye West as the black jockey statue in front of the White House says it all.

    Thanks for the great assortment this morning, YDG!

  2. Susan Collins proves what I've always said about Republicans representing blue states. When the shit hits the fan, they're going to vote like a dumbass conservative. They're extremists in moderate clothing.

  3. I like the one from Dave about riding cats into battle. That was good.

  4. I’m here. I’m always here. Yours is one of the “first to read” blogs every morning. Thanks for the “pick me up”. Can’t make up my mind which is my favorite but I sent my sister the Carpenter ants. She loved it! Thank ya again for sharing.

  5. I'm here, just feeling... ground up...


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