Monday, October 15, 2018

I thought he'd be in prison by now fucking Monday

 pppfffftt ..the duke would have voted for trump.


  1. Samhain condoms, LOL! And also the service burrito! As usual, your post has got my Monday morning off to a good start, YDG!

  2. Another day, another shameful chapter of America.

  3. It is hard to keep up with the idiocy in government; but thanks to you I am able. These memes always say what I would have liked to said if I had thought of them first.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. ...What's really scaring the shit out of Trumpy isn't having Waters chair FSC if (when!!!) the House flips.

    Elijah Cummings will become Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He will make Trumpy's life Hell, and he will not be denied.


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