Monday, November 19, 2018

well if it ain't one fucking thing it's your mother.


  1. They are all right on.

    Pelosi for Speaker
    Michelle Obama for President 2020
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I have to go now, California needs my rake.

  3. What a great lineup of LOLs, YDG! That Ruth Bader Ginsberg cartoon is too unfortunately true. May she live long and prosper!

  4. I live in Superior National Forest. If I start raking now.... oh, wait, now the snow is too deep.

  5. ol'buzzard....and obama as her vice president?
    Adam..yeah, rake ....that's the ticket..
    yes Debra..please don't die Ruth ..don't die.
    right back atcha Vivian
    Jono..sometimes the stupid? it blows me away.


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