Monday, January 07, 2019

the cowboys won.I'm so happy I could just shit.

which is bullshit..because I've been sick since last Tuesday with the sit down defecate jump up spin around regurgerateblues..  but fuck it, the boys won..nana nana boo boo stick your head in doo doo.

I have so many memes ..I'm going to try and do them every day like I did..keeps my mind least for this coming week..

 not if you have a clear conscious and a good lawyer 


  1. The Republican-biting dog made me laugh! Happy Monday, Jackiesue! I hope you nab one of those pizza delivery guys too!

  2. So sorry to read at the top of this post that you're sick. Hope you get better soon. I've had a virus since Christmas day, but getting slowly better. Still coughing up a lung every day though.

  3. mine is just stomach virus..feel some better


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