Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Trump and Wednesday..hump this


  1. "They're stealing our jobs" -- good one, LOL! And love the "lady locker room talk" too.

  2. LOL @ "I know no one cares, but this is illegal."

    That pretty much sums up the political year for me.

  3. I needed an extra dose of sanity this morning. I didn't watch der Drumpf's Oval Office speech, and i'm not going to read about it. I need to save my mental health. That's why I come here. Thank you.

  4. Debra i loooooove the locker room talk the best..still makes me laugh.
    Ain't that the truth Harry..ain't that the truth.
    Vivian I am so glad that I can help with your mental health..bless you my child.

  5. We do share the same president.

  6. The North Korean generals look like a joke; but that was the worst war we never won. The treatment of their prisoners of war was unprecedented - their psychological cruelty was epic. We never need to go there again.
    the Ol'Buzzard


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