Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wed..still not shutdown


  1. The meme near the end that's about waking up early for exercise, I'm stealing that one. Also stealing the 4 moods. These are all noteworthy. Well done my dear. Stay warm.

  2. Love the sarcastic asshole one! And the autocorrect one, LOL!

    But the best one is Trump's Putin tattoo to match Stone's Nixon one -- hahahahaha, brilliant!

    No, wait, the best one is: "Was the fall of Rome also this fucking embarrassing?"

    No, wait! We have a winner! "Mrs Nancy asked me to bring this little pie over."

    Okay, this one is the best for sure! "Osama Bin Laden could not be reached for comment."

  3. Leanne it's 50 degrees and sunny out.I'm good.I liked the 4 moods one a lot..
    Debra..Im so glad you found so many to like..I did this at midnight last night and was literally falling asleep while doing it.I don't think I knew what I was putting on it..but the shit pie cracks me up everytime I see it..

  4. Woah!

    Instead of the two best for me today.... I have five that are too amazing for ME to not mention:

    1. the "Lucy - what an asshole" one
    2. the Cluesion image!
    3. The statements by Braun and Melania
    4. Bradley Whitfords quote
    5. the comparison of the bees and humans extinction results

    While I am a bit envious of your warm temperatures, I am glad you have them. Hopefully my "Polar Vortex" weather will be short-lived.


  5. JackieSue:

    I read on Mike's blog that his adventures do not rival some of yours. I am jealous! But I would enjoy hearing about a few and living vicariously ! My life has been quite dull in comparison to Mike. :)

  6. ...My aunt just asked me for help on listening to podcasts.

    From Fox News.

    Beating a marlinspike into my skull through my ear would be preferable.


  7. These were some of your absolute best; and I stole a couple.
    Keep-um coming - we need this.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  8. Every one of them is gold. Great today.

  9. pipe if you go to the far left hand corner of my blog and put in a 1968 or 1974...any year after will find all of my hair raising experiences...
    wibble..there is no way in fucking hell would I listen to or watch anything coming from fox news.
    Im not going anywhere ol'buzzard.. staying right here.
    thanks vivian.have a gg this fun times are here.


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