Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Big Shoots


  1. The child concentration camps being run by the Trump administration are appalling. Every meme in this post exposing that is right on.

  2. ...It's not so much the rearranging that torques me off - it's when they don't say anything and act like it's always been there...

  3. I actually expect to see Trump in a military uniform as Commander in Chief.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. You just wait, Buzz.

    This Forth O'Jooo-lie, he's By-GAWB gonna GET his Military Pa-Rade, and he's gonna wear a solid-gold Dress Uniform with a peaked cap even bigger than them damn North-Ko-Ree-un basterds wear, and it's gonna be YUUUUUUUUUUGE.



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